I will never forget the day that I met an old college buddy with whom I had lost touch a few years ago. During our conversation we naturally caught up on each other's professional pursuits and upon learning that I was an Internet strategy consultant he looked at me shocked and said: "But Andrew, you studied architecture! How can you possibly know anything about business?!". It's funny how we always complain about business people's lack of 'creativity' when it is just as apparent that many creative people lack 'business' sense...
I began to think about this episode again today as I made the wonderful discovery of cartoonist Hugh McLeod's blog and his post 'How to Be Creative'. Hugh's blog is aptly named 'gapingvoid' and in it he discusses business issues with a creative flair and creative issues with a business flair (as well as other plain funny issues about everyday life).
I'm interested in all of them but I'm particularly attracted by his ability to convey complex business concepts with his extremely simple 'cartoons drawn on the back of a business card' - which also complements his income as everybody knows that you can't make money by blogging alone...
Thanks Hugh, I will certainly be keeping a regular and watchful eye on your forthcoming cartoons and writings.