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Americans may be good at launching big websites (Amazon and Ebay, for instance) that gobble up local European competitors but precisely because the Internet allows a business person to create a niche website and serve thousands of people around the world who identify with that niche means that anyone - Asian, European, Latin American - can run a successful online shopping business. Look at It is an Italian online store for designer goods and many Americans I have met just love it! They wonder why no one in the States came up with such a fantastic idea.



Thank you for your comment.

My position is not that 'big is beautiful' nor that _only_ American companies can build big businesses (they all started small at one point in their lives).

I am the first to agree with you that there are some incredible 'niche' businesses online and offline and I respect and admire many of these.

However, I do have an overall issue with the repeated inability by European online entrepreneurs to turn their niches into successful 'mega ventures' of their own.

If we can build great small ones why could we not build great big ones?

Transforming Learning

I agree with Andrew C. The big businesses did start small and grew to what they become. If Europeans can build great small ones why could they not build great big ones? I believe it is possible with the correct type of products and someone with great leadership styles to succeed. I wish you the best of luck!

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