To say that we are confronting change on an unprecedented scale cannot even begin to describe the disruptions facing us in the coming decade. From the continued growth and pervasiveness of the Internet and the resulting changes in consumer attitudes and expectations towards business and government to the constant introduction of new innovations and technologies across countless industries we are living through one of the most momentous times in the last century.
So how are businesses and governments confronting these changes? To be frank, most (consciously or unconsciously) currently have their heads burried deep in the sand and are oblivious to the threats and opportunities that lie ahead.
It is important to understand that there are two kinds of attitudes that motivate change initiatives by governments and businesses worldwide:
In a rapidly changing environment, there are those that proactively rally their resources in a quest for "opportunities" across new frontiers while others only respond reactively to "threats" while trying to protect their existing dominion.
True leadership (usually closely followed by economic success) can only be found amongst the first group as the other scrambles and struggles to eat from the leftovers.
Many will come to me and say: "Andrew, what are you talking about? Look at all the initiatives that we have in place. We are doing something about it!". I have to respond that yes they are often doing 'something' about it but then question them by asking how 'seriously' their organisation is taking these initiatives. By seriously I mean in the sense that "are you absolutely 100% wanting this something to succeed and will stop at nothing to make it work?".
The response after this is a bit different: "Well our CEO/Chairman doesn't fully support this yet"; "It's not that critical to our business because it's small compared to the rest" - you get the picture... Essentially these organisations are not playing to win they're just playing! How motivating can this be for the managers and employees in these organisations!? What if this was football and your coach told you that he loved the game but you really felt that he didn't care that much if the team won or lost... I wish that I could have such a cavalier attitude when tens or hundreds of millions are invested to fund these initiatives...
I've so far only discussed governments and established businesses but there is a third crucial category - entrepreneurs. Why do I consider that entrepreneurship is so vital to be included separately here? Because an entrepreneur can never start a venture with a business plan premised on threats. He/she will always have to start a business in the pursuit of new opportunities as no investor will be prepared to fund them otherwise.
So what's so important about having entrepreneurs pursuing these opportunities? Well there's one simple prevailing fact about entrepreneurs: in order to succeed they know that they must create something that is somewhat or significantly better than what is currently available because customers will otherwise have absolutely no reason to flock to their products or services. Entrepreneurs are the ones who risk to dream the future, who have the courage to succeed, the ones who must have the motivation and energy to make it work because there isn't a nice 'cushion' to sustain them if things don't work out - they have to make it work. Naturally not all entrepreneurs will approach their business in this spirit and may also fall in the 'play to play' category but the odds are that most will.
In times of rapid change in particular, a country driven by entrepreneurs pursuing opportunities will over time completely outdistance its competitors. For example, we recently presented an analysis demonstrating how a comparatively simple competitive advantage compounded over 10 years could represent the difference between one company achieving $10 billion in revenues while its peer only managed to reach $1 billion over the same period. The biggest surprise actually came from finding out that people found this surprising!
As a businessman, futurist and change agent I often find myself struggling to get this message across and a wise friend suggested with the quote below that this blog may just be the right forum to do this.
"Reflection instead of confrontation,
articulation versus confusion,
persuasion under candlelight..."
I personally believe that much more agressive means are necessary because time is rapidly running out and I feel that my sense of urgency is not shared among many CEO's and politicians but as I said my friend is much wiser than I am...
You can learn more about successful entrepreneurship by reading Fanaticism Is The Secret Weapon at VentureBlog.
How are you or your organisation confronting change? This article seeks to generate debate. Make the most of it. Use your mind, use your voice, use your pen, share your thoughts! Post your comment below and share your own experiences with the many global entrepreneurs (or will-be entrepreneurs) who visit this blog and are at this very moment going through the same travails as you are or you can email me if you prefer. I will write a follow-on piece to disseminate and share your views with others and hopefully together we'll build the pressure to get things moving! Thanks for visiting and a particular thanks to all those of you who have already exchanged your remarkable stories with me and who continue to inspire and motivate these discussions.
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Posted by: shellylax | September 20, 2013 at 05:34 AM
Posted by: hikderoy | October 04, 2013 at 11:40 AM
This office I would by no means have performed,had I seen any likelihood of having my money otherwise but not willing,out of a piece of false delicacy,to neglect the only opportunity I should perhaps ever have,I ventured into a pawnbroker s shop,where I demanded two guineas on the pledge,in the name of Thomas Williams She was irascible and vindictive,and never gave way in anything to her husband,who almost killed her,and whose death she did not survive,though she had been for ever quarrelling with him>Nike Air Jordan Pas Cher
How fatal then,how tormenting,how intolerable,must her reverse of fortune be!a reverse,that not only robs her of these external comforts,and plunges her into all the miseries of want,but also murders her peace of mind,and entails upon her the curse of eternal infamy!Of all professions I pronounced that of a courtesan the most deplorable,and her of all courtesans the most unhappy Upon which a silence ensued,which brought us to our lodging,where I threw myself upon the bed in an agony of despair,resolved to perish rather than apply to my companion,or any other body,for relief but Strap,who knew my temper,and whose heart bled within him for my distress,after some pause came to the bedside,and,putting a leathern purse into my hand,burst into tears,crying,I know what you think,but I scorn your thought Marya Dmitrievna had called her so as to leave her daughter,at least for a moment,alone with Panshin she was still secretly hoping that she would come round>Barbour By Mail
So saying,he put into my hand Petronius Arbiter,and asked my opinion of his wit and manner Lavretsky went after her With these words I rose,and went away before she could recover her spirits so far as to make any reply>Air Jordan Pas Cher
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Posted by: Bentfrott | November 12, 2013 at 12:20 AM
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Как себя правильнее вести, и что можно ребенку поосветовать.
Помогите!> color=#E4F4FE>
Posted by: Shailohl | November 13, 2013 at 08:16 AM
Уважаемые жители форума инвалидов!
Пожалуйста, поделитесь информацией о том, кому из Вас удалось создать нормальную, гармоничную семью.
Спасибо.> color=#E4F4FE>
Posted by: dynamicgrooverl | November 21, 2013 at 02:46 AM
And perhaps it would be petter for some of us to be tucked up than to undergo the miseries to which we have been exposedIn less than a week we sailed on a cruise,and having weathered the east end of the island,had the good fortune to take a Spanish barcolongo,with her prize,which was an English ship bound for Bristol,that sailed from Jamaica a fortnight before,without convoyI informed my friend of the squire s consent to my dancing with Narcissa at the ball and desired her to tell her mistress,that I would do myself the honour of visiting her in the afternoon,in consequence of his permission,when I hoped to find her as indulgent as her brother had been complaisant in that particular>Hogan Outlet
This promise he performed to my heart s desire,by recommending me to a gentleman of fortune,with whom I have lived ever since in quality of surgeon and overseer to his plantationsLavretsky would have liked to seize both her hands,and press them warmly>Hogan Scarpe
Is not he as near akin to you as the other Is he not much handsomer and better built than that his companions,regardless of my circumstances and entreaties Thompson s fortune since I had seen him in London showed Vladimir Nikolaitch your cantata I felt sure he would appreciate it,and he did like it very much really>Barbour Factory Shop
This promise he performed to my heart s desire,by recommending me to a gentleman of fortune,with whom I have lived ever since in quality of surgeon and overseer to his plantationsLavretsky would have liked to seize both her hands,and press them warmly>Cheap Barbour Jackets
Posted by: Shieddita | November 29, 2013 at 09:03 AM
锘縇avretsky wrote a few words to Lisa The last expedient was greedily embraced by us both and,being forthwith conducted to the ground proposed,we stripped in a moment,and began a furious contest,in which I soon found myself inferior to my antagonist,not so much in strength and agility,as in skill,which he had acquired in the school of Hockley in the Hole at Tottenham courtNext day we sailed for Port Royal,where we arrived safely with our prizes and,as there was nothing to do on board,I went ashore,and having purchased a laced waistcoat,with some other clothes,at a sale,made a swaggering figure for some days among the taverns,where I ventured to play a little at hazard,and came off with fifty pistoles in my pocket>Barbour By Mail
After this accommodation,our landlord and we sat down at a board,and dined upon shin of beef most deliciously our reckoning amounting to twopence halfpenny each,bread and small beer included New furniture was brought from Moscow spittoons were introduced,and bells and washing stands and breakfast began to be served in a different way foreign wines replaced vodka and syrups the servants were put into new livery a motto was added to the family arms in recto virtus>Hogan Scarpe
Miss was so much incensed at his insolence,that I should certainly have kicked him where he stood without ceremony,had not the young lady prevented the effects of my indignation,by replying with the utmost vivacity,His name was Nash,and an impudent dog he was This anecdote produced a laugh at the expense of the Welshman,who,shaking his head with some emotion,said,Ay,ay,tis no matter>Barbour Factory Shop
Lisa flushed The continual pain I felt made me fretful,and my peevishness was increased by the mortification of my pride in seeing those miserable wretches,whom a hard gale of wind would have scattered through the air like chaff,bear those toils with alacrity under which I was ready to sink>Cheap Barbour Jackets
Posted by: entiquect | November 29, 2013 at 05:56 PM
It was the finishing stroke Varvara Pavlovna had become a otoriety Next day,as,I went to the Pump Room,in hopes of seeing or hearing some tidings of my fair enslaver,I was met by a gentlewoman,who,having looked hard at me,cried,O Christ,Mr>Hogan Outlet
In the dark ages of the World,when a man had rendered himself famous for wisdom or valour,his family and adherents availed themselves of his superior qualities,magnified his virtues,and represented his character and person as sacred and supernaturalThe conversation,among other subjects,turned upon the young squire,whom my lady inquired after under the title of the Savage and was informed by her niece that he was still in bed,repairing the fatigue of last night s debauch,and recruiting strength and spirits to undergo a fox chase to morrow morning,in company with Sir Timothy Thicket,Squire Bumper,and a great many other gentlemen of the same stamp,whom he had invited on that occasion!so that by daybreak the whole house would be in an uproar>Barbour Outlet
llow me to introduce myself,she began in an insinuating voice,our maman is so indulgent to me that I hope that you too will be that the past had not been and the felled tree can bud again>Scarpe Hogan
锘縈arya Dmitrievna eyes suddenly filled with tearsharmant,pronounced Varvara Pavlovna,ou sing very well,vous avez du style,againell,then,that is,I wanted to say,she came to me,and I received her that is what I wanted to explain to you,Fedor Ivanitch>Cheap Barbour Jackets
Posted by: Shieddita | November 30, 2013 at 02:51 AM
But my destiny prevented this abject piece of behaviour for as I crossed Tower Wharf,a squat tawny fellow with a hanger by his side,and a cudgel in his hand came up to me,calling,Yo ho!brother,you must come along with me Upon which Morgan was brought back,and,being made acquainted with the affair,took the book,and read a whole page in English,without hesitation,deciding the controversy in my favour>Hogan Outlet
Indeed,this is cruel!do not even ask of you ie down,my darling,sleep a little,all this comes from sleeplessness,my dearie I sustained his onset with little damage,having only received a small scratch on my right shoulder,and,seeing his breath and vigour almost exhausted,assaulted him in my turn,closed with him,and wrested his sword out of his hand in the struggle>Hogan Scarpe
Then,dropping his jaw,and fixing his eyes,he hiccuped aloud,and fell upon the floor as mute as n flounder The only daughter of Pavel Petrovitch and Kalliopa Karlovna,Varvara Pavlovna,was only just seventeen when she left the boarding school,in which she had been reckoned,if not the prettiest,at least the cleverest pupil and the best musician,and where she had taken a decoration He found himself in a continual fever>Barbour Factory Shop
Panshin answered sharply and irritably In the morning after the captain came on board,our first mate,according to custom,went to wait on him with a sick list,which,when this grim commander had perused,he cried with a stern countenance,Blood and cons!sixty one sick people on board of my ship!Harkee,you sir,I ll have no sick in my ship,by Gd>Cheap Barbour Jackets
Posted by: Bentfrott | November 30, 2013 at 09:04 AM
isa,murmured Lavretsky Don t you observe,said he,that he has conceived a particular affection for us nay,even treated us at supper with extraordinary fare,which,to be sure,we should not of ourselves have called for I was partly of Strap s opinion but the experience I had of the world made me suspend my belief till the morning,when,getting up betimes,we breakfasted with our host and his daughter on hasty pudding and ale,and desired to know what we had to pay>Hogan Outlet
Indeed this was what he reckoned upon doing,but he managed things a little incautiously You are a lying miscreant!cried Medlar,in an ecstacy of rage I can always command money enough to pay your tailor s bill,which I am sure is no trifle and I have a good mind to give you a convincing proof of my circumstances,by prosecuting you for defamation,sirrah>Hogan Scarpe
Zounds,I have done,said he Banter favoured me with a visit,and after breakfast asked how I had passed the preceding eveningChapter 14We visit Strap s friend a description of him his advice we go to Mr>Barbour Factory Shop
I pulled out a poniard from my bosom,where I had concealed it,and rushing out flew up stairs like a fury,exclaiming,Where s this perfidious villain could I plunge this dagger into his false heart,I should then die satisfied!The noise I made alarmed not only the servants,but the company also,who hearing my threats came forward to the staircase to see was the matter It may be so,answered he,but I ll have further evidence that you are not the person,before you and I part>Cheap Barbour Jackets
Posted by: Shieddita | November 30, 2013 at 09:53 AM
Sometimes he was overcome by such a longing for his wife that he would have given up everything,he thought,even,perhaps We retired immediately to my lodgings,where,calling for some beer,I desired to be informed of his adventures,which contained nothing more than that his master dying before his time was out,he had come to Newcastle about a year ago,in expectation of journeywork,along with three young fellows of his acquaintance who worked in the keels that he had the good fortune of being employed by a very civil master,with whom he intended to stay till the spring,at which time he proposed to go to London,where he did not doubt of finding encouragement>Barbour By Mail
George Sand drove her to exasperation,Balzac she respected,but he wearied her in Sue and Scribe she saw great knowledge of human nature,Dumas and Feval she adored I was accordingly that very night admitted to his house,and had an apartment assigned to me in the garret,which I was fain to put up with,notwithstanding the mortification my pride suffered in this change of circumstances>Barbour Outlet
ot a minute,nor a second!retorted Mihalevitch with an imperious wave of the hand Lisa summoned up all her courage and told him that she could not be his wife I thanked him for his advice,which I immediately complied with and,going into the house he pointed out,called for a pot of beer,and sat down by a fire in the public room>Barbour Factory Shop
In vain did I swallow bumper after bumper!the wine had lost its effect upon me,and,far from raising my dejected spirits,could not even lay me asleep The Pestovs,kind hearted and compassionate people,readily agreed to his request He bent his head a little and touched her pale lips>Cheap Barbour Jackets
Posted by: Bentfrott | November 30, 2013 at 01:52 PM
Only we must take advantage quickly of these minutesThis alteration gave me great uneasiness and I passed the night without sleep,in melancholy reflections on the vanity of young men,which prompts them to commit so many foolish actions,contrary to their own sober judgment And away we went>Barbour By Mail
锘縋anshin counted ninety,and began calmly and urbanely taking tricks with a severe and dignified expression of face ou brought me here,he thought,ouch me,touch my soul>Barbour Outlet
The captain and clerk declared themselves of the same opinion,although I insisted of having the remains of it compared with other writings of Thompson,which they had in their possession and I was ordered to answer the last article of my accusation,namely,the book of ciphers found among my papershat do you mean by personal happiness,I ask you nd it was bound to crumble away Such was the economy in some ships that,rather than be at the trouble of interring the dead,their commanders ordered their men to throw their bodies overboard,many without either ballast or winding sheet so that numbers of human carcases floated in the harbour,until they were devoured by sharks and carrion crows,which afforded no agreeable spectacle to those who survived,At the same time the wet season began,during which a deluge of rain falls,from the rising to the setting sun,without intermission,and that no sooner ceases than it begins to thunder,and lighten with such continued flashing,that one can see to read a very small print by the illumination>Barbour Factory Shop
The player assured him the process was very simple that he must cram a hundred weight of dry tinder into a glass retort,and,distilling it by the force of animal heat,it would yield half a scruple of insipid water,one drop of which is a full dose I fancy,too,that Panshin is not good enough for her>Cheap Barbour Jackets
Posted by: entiquect | November 30, 2013 at 04:23 PM
As for her,she lives constantly at Paris,as in former days But give me your word of honour that you will be an honest man>Hogan Outlet
orgive!broke in Lavretsky>Barbour Outlet
Lisa grew thoughtfulh,Lisaveta Mihalovna,believe me,he cried,have been punished enough as it is Yes,cockatrice,continued he,you know you laid this snare fur me but you shan t succeed for I will hang myself before you shall get a farthing of me>Scarpe Hogan
锘縇avretsky went up to him and embraced him Rifle!we know you very well Before I relate the occasion of this message,I believe it will not be disagreeable to the reader,if I describe the gentleman who sent for me,and mention some circumstances of his character and conduct which may illustrate what follows,and account for his behaviour to me>Cheap Barbour Jackets
Posted by: entiquect | December 01, 2013 at 09:00 PM
锘縪u say that,my good sir,because you have never been married yourselfAnd Lavretsky went back into the house,went into the dining room,drew near the piano and touched one of the keys it gave out a faint but clear sound on that note had begun the inspired melody with which long ago on that same happy night Lemm,the dead Lemm,had thrown him into such transports>Hogan Outlet
锘縏he squire was enraged to find the evening so unprofitably spent,and wreaked his vengeance on the cards,which he tore,and committed to the flames with many execrations threatening to make us redeem our loss with a large glass and quick circulation and indeed we had no sooner supped,and my charmer withdrawn,than he began to put his threat in execution He was confounded and dismayed at this message,when he understood it was sent by a soldier though he was conscious to himself of no crime,all that he had heard of the Bastille appeared to his imagination with aggravated horror,but it was not before I had waited a considerable time that he had resolution enough to bid the servant show me up stairs>Hogan Scarpe
nd then what a little angel is that Adotchka of yours,what a darling!How sweet she is,what a clever little thing how she speaks French and understand Russian too she called me untiein Russian It put the finishing touch his last doubts vanished,and he began to feel ashamed that he had still had any doubt left Besides,an idea had entered her head,to which she was anxious to give expression at once>Barbour Factory Shop
Her house was among the pleasantest in the town Lavretsky made her sit down and stood before her>Cheap Barbour Jackets
Posted by: Shieddita | December 02, 2013 at 12:29 AM
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Подскажите, это може пригод глючит, или программа для записи, тормозит?> color=#E4F4FE>
Posted by: Nyoril | December 06, 2013 at 07:33 AM
Дамы и господа!
Вы скорее всего слышали о программе " Инфо-Бухгалтер."Так вот давайте обсуждать эту программы,ее использование и важность.Постоянно меняются приложения,добавляется что-то новое,поэтому необходимо,чтобы любой пользоватеть мог свободно пользоваться данным продуктом.
Я буду подробно выкладывать новые приложения и вместе с Вами принимать участие в дискуссиях.> color=#E4F4FE>
Posted by: Onstaarl | December 07, 2013 at 03:40 PM
Идеал мужчины - Какой мужчина вам подходит?
Должен ли он быть суперменом, за спиной которого можно чувствовать себя в безопасности? Или единомышленником, пусть с лысинкой и брюшком? Или… Покажет тест.
1.Традиционно в паре мужчина старше женщины. Важна ли для вас разница в возрасте?
а) Нет.
б) Он может быть несколько старше меня, но так, чтобы не возникло проблемы разных поколений.
в) Мне нравится, когда он значительно старше меня.
2.Вам нужно принять ответственное решение. Будете ли вы советоваться с партнером?
а) Только в том случае, если это касается нас обоих.
б) Да, в ответственные моменты я часто полагаюсь на него.
в) Нет, я приму решение самостоятельно.
3.Ваш партнер - страстный фанат футбола. Разделяете ли вы его увлечение?
а) Нет, пусть "болеет " со своими друзьями.
б) Время от времени.
в) Конечно, я с удовольствием проведу с ним время на стадионе.
4.Если вы решили расстаться со своим партнером, то
а)…не обойтись без скандала.
б)…прощание пройдет без резких слов.
в)…горьких слез не избежать.
5.Были ли вы когда-нибудь влюблены в учителя?
а) Да, как каждая ученица.
б) Это была не любовь, а скорее увлечение.
в) Нет, никогда.
6.Как вы отметите свой юбилейный день рождения?
а) Вдвоем с ним в ресторане в романтической обстановке.
б) Со всеми друзьями и знакомыми.
в) В узком семейном кругу.
7.Кто вызовет у вас наибольший интерес?
а) Милиционер.
б) Судья.
в) Инспектор налоговой полиции.
Идеал мужчины
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Вам нужен партнер, который в любой ситуации будет готов на полную самоотдачу и сможет поддержать вас. Вы же, напротив, лишь относительно готовы приносить себя в жертву.
Вы не переносите мужчин, готовых пасть к вашим ногам, но и Казанова не имеет у вас ни единого шанса. Вам нужен непринужденный, любознательный, остроумный и ценящий юмор мужчина. За таким вы пойдете на край света.
Вашему партнеру придется нелегко. Вы ищете супермена с бицепцами - идеал, редко встречающийся в жизни. Все из-за того, что вы сами не привыкли принимать решения и брать ответственность на себя.
Идеал мужчины> color=#E4F4FE>
Posted by: Skankasaurl | December 09, 2013 at 09:34 AM
Книги Гарри Потерр и школьная программа
Источник: Blotter
Правительство решило бороться за повышение уровня интереса детей к книге, и поэтому 2007 год решением Федерального агентства по печати и массовым коммуникациям объявлен Годом чтения. Правительство идет на это не от хорошей жизни. Сегодня каждый третий россиянин не читает и не покупает книг. А ведь еще 15 лет назад Россия считалась самой читающей страной в мире.
Во многих библиотеках происходит замена романов классиков на современное бульварное чтиво. Кроме того, состояние 80% провинциальных библиотек плачевное. Ежегодно библиотечные фонды сокращаются на 5–7%.Еще немного, и, как говорят специалисты, Россия в смысле глобальной книжной безграмотности населения сравняется с Америкой, пишут "Новые Известия".
Российское агентство по печати и массовым коммуникациям уже объявило конкурс на проведение общероссийского исследования «Чтение детей и подростков». Другая мысль – ввести в школьную программу книги про Гарри Поттера.
Вот чего только не придумают.> color=#E4F4FE>
Posted by: Reshoghl | December 12, 2013 at 10:37 AM
У меня CD-RW/DVD Sony CRX300E. Ему уже 1.5 года. В последнее время стал отказываться читать DVD! И чистящим диском его подчивал. CD-шные диски на ура вертит, а DVD иногда читает (по праздникам ) и то тормозит!
Заранее благодарен!!!> color=#E4F4FE>
Posted by: Orcristhamerl | December 16, 2013 at 07:38 PM
Банк "Хоум кредит", основным направлением деятельности которого являлось предоставление кредитных услуг населению, постепенно реформируется в универсальный розничный банк, запустив линейку срочных вкладов.
Вклад "Краткосрочный" предназначен для краткосрочного хранения денег, то есть рассчитан на высокодоходный сегмент. Непополняемый вклад открывается сроком на 31 день. При сумме вклада от 25 до 250 тыс рублей процентная ставка составляет 5,5%, при сумме от 250 тыс рублей - 6%.
Вклад "Универсальный" - это своеобразная альтернатива текущему счету. Минимальная сумма пополняемого вклада составляет 5 тыс рублей при возможных сроках размещения на 3 месяца, полгода, год, полтора года. Максимальная процентная ставка составляет 9,5%.
Вклад "Накопительный" предназначен для среднедоходного сегмента. "Ориентирован на среднестатистического россиянина." Сроки размещения составляют 1, 2 или 3 года, максимальная процентная ставка - 10% годовых.
Вклад "Пенсионный" рассчитан на низкодоходный сегмент населения и будет предоставляться гражданам, имеющим право на получение пенсии. Минимальная сумма пополняемого вклада составляет 3 тыс рублей при процентной ставке 9,5% годовых и сроке размещения 1 год.
"Создавая данный продукт, мы хотели охватить широкий сегмент населения, как высокодоходный, так и низкодоходный. А также удовлетворить потребности населения с точки зрения функционального использования вкладов", заявил на конференции, посвященной запуску новой депозитной линейки, начальник управления разработки и внедрения продуктов банка Дмитрий Сапронов.
Источник> color=#E4F4FE>
Posted by: MrsPlantl | December 18, 2013 at 07:57 AM
В нынешнее время множество не развитых мужчин (физически ). Как правило мужчины с занятые интеллектуальным трудом (программисты, клерки и т.п.) как правило ничего тяжелее мышки и ручки не подымают. Более того прослеживается обратная корреляция физической силы и интеллекта.
Так вот, мужчины как вы отнесетесь к тому, что когда Вы с своей подругой (женой) прогуливаетесь, к вам подходят два субъекта и требуют денег ( снять золото, или просто бьют по лицу). Ваша подруга (глядя на Вашу растерянность) выводит из строя нападающих. Все ли мужчины расстанутся со своей подругой?Или есть такие которые смогут это перенести? Или нас опять запишут в лесбиянки?> color=#E4F4FE>
Posted by: Slayalll | December 19, 2013 at 10:49 AM>нож для нарезания протектора трапециевидный купить в минске>http://www techtire by
На данном ресурсе находится подробная информация о шиномонтаже, и необходимом для процесса оборудовании. Тут имеются каталоги самых лучших торговых марок, которые показывали качество товаров на протяжении продолжительного времени. На данном вебресурсе можно приобрести лучшие приборы для вашего шиномонтажного бизнеса.
ООО «Амазис» - фирма в Беларуси, которая поставляет на предприятия, предлагающие услуги сервиса и шиномонтажа, высококачественное оборудование и сопутствующие материалы отличного качества. Нет сомнений в том, что удовлетворённые клиенты всегда возвращаются туда, где они получают качественные услуги, предоставляемые профессионалами.
В основе профессионального предоставления услуги находятся качественные сопутствующие материалы, а также качественное шиномонтажное оборудование. В большинстве своём от этих двух составляющих зависит качество оказываемых услуг. Высококлассный ремонт колес не выполнить без применения качественных материалов и высокоточного оборудования.
Наша компания работает в Беларуси с 2002 года. Мы можем гарантировать предприятиям поставку самых лучших расходников и надежного высокточного оборудования, применяемого для проведения шиномонтажных работ.>шиномонтажный станок жулиано макси схема пневмоцилиндра>инструмент для нарезки протектора шин
Posted by: Robertsn | December 20, 2013 at 06:59 AM